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Reduce Your Cloud Costs While Increasing Security

We help IT Teams achieve more than 25% savings on cloud spend and reduce security risks by over 50%, without any long-term commitments.

Trusted By 500+ IT Teams Around The World

About PTP's CloudOps

Cloud technology is all about the business results that it enables: time to market, accelerated application development, instant scalability, access to impactful services such as data analytics, just to name a few. Our team, our platform and our process are structured to help our customers leverage information smarter and achieve business results faster while ensuring the security of data and optimizing costs.

What's Included In The Free Cloud Assessment?

Our services utilize the market-leading CloudCheckr CMP platform to gather the data for the assessment. Once we connect our tools to your environment, our team of Cost Savings experts will go to work analyzing the data so we can prepare the reporting and will provide walk you through the detail during a findings review meeting.

Deploy CloudCheckr Cloud Management Tools

Assess Cloud Accounts

Detailed Report Of Savings by Resource and Method

Cost And Usage by Cloud Resources

Summary Of Savings Opportunity

Findings Review Meeting

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How PTP Reduced Voyager's Cloud Costs By 25% And Improved Their Security, Without Limiting Resources

The Challenge

Voyager needed to ensure that their AWS environment was secure and scalable but in order to do so they were stuck manually resizing instance to stay flexible. They also didn't have any insight on their cloud spend.

The Solution

The first task PTP performed was to deploy automation to optimize resources and save time. PTP then went to work on building a reporting system that allowed management to have cloud costs insights with the push of a button. Through visibility, reporting and consulting, PTP provided cost analysis and optimization, comparative analytics and a consistent improvement of cloud security.

The Results

  • Achieved a 25.4% month-over-month cost reduction in cloud spend
  • Provided greater visibility into AWS environment to assist data analysis
  • Improved cloud security and compliance posture

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Don't Just Take Our Word For It

check out what these clients had to say....

"PTP has made sure we have all the tools we need not only to provide patient care but also to grow and prosper."

Joseph Hollander

CEO, Scranton Primary

Health Care Center

"I would HIGHLY recommend PTP to any business looking for an experienced team to provide expert level IT consulting services for on premise or cloud solutions."

Mark Noonan

It Director

BCBS Massachusetts

"I’d recommend them to any organization looking to reduce their AWS and Azure spend."

John Cote

Director of IT Cloud


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